Priscilla Cassar is a friend I made through the open mic nights by Inizjamed. It is a privilege to be translated by someone who has a vast knowledge of my voice and work. She has translated by poems Paper cuts and A thousand welcomes, poems that pack meaning into very few lines, into German. The original poems were published in Inside Skin (EDE Books, 2016).
Inside Skin will be available at the Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival at a discounted rate, thanks to Mallia & D’Amato Booksellers.
Paper cuts
They’ re only paper cuts,
those words that sink, and try
to touch the bottom.
Sind nur Papierschnitte,
diese Wörter die sinken, und versuchen
den Boden zu berühren.
A thousand welcomes
A thousand welcomes
and now your smile arrives
soft blue pink white red
Tausendmal Wilkommen
Tausendmal Wilkommen
und jetzt kommt dein Lächeln
zart blau rosa weiß rot