The judges of the prize were Jennifer Wong, Taher Adel, and Samantha Schnee. Read Jennifer Wong’s comment below. A standout example was Miriam Calleja’s Highly Commended translation of ‘Backbone’ by…
I am pleased to introduce my latest chapbook, this time published in the US by BottleCap Press. Come Closer, I Don’t Mind the Silence is my latest work, with pieces…
Three poems by Miriam Calleja have been published and published in translation in a new anthology called Correnti by Mosaïque Press. SECOND ITALIAN/ENGLISH ANTHOLOGY SHOWCASES CULTURAL ‘CROSS-CURRENTS’ Translating the work…
This month I’ve taken on the (masochistic?) task of writing a poem a day during the Tupelo 30/30 writing challenge. Along with some other fine poets and their first drafts,…
This year the Arts Council Malta has asked me to represent Malta during the annual multicultural poetry festival Transpoesie, which is now in its 11th edition. Transpoesie 2021 explores the…
Priscilla Cassar is a friend I made through the open mic nights by Inizjamed. It is a privilege to be translated by someone who has a vast knowledge of my…
No one will know you No one will know you As you are Or find your beating heart Except in glimpses Stolen in the night Smelling of whores and cheap…
Kif tirbaħ metru kilthom l-għeruqbiex irbaħt xi metru jew tnejn titla’ kemm titla’ tħossok minn taħtl-art, wiċċek qatt ma jsib il-għaxqa tax-xemxkollox sar dlam u trab u wara t-trab, sħana…
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