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Luftmeer is an art book that tries to capture the fruit of a moment in ocean air.

Anne, Sanne, and Miriam were each awarded an artist residency at the Villa Waldberta during different months of Summer, Autumn, and Winter of the year 2020. Despite the bizarre world situation with the pandemic, they all found themselves in beautiful Bavaria at the same time. That is when this story began…

The front cover of Luftmeer
Images and design by Anne Buscher and Sanne Vaassen
Text and poetry by Miriam Calleja

Luftmeer is the fruit of plans that begin organically, projects that ‘just happen’, a perfect example of creativity that begets creativity.

When responsibilities and daily worries are shed, and art takes their place, you begin to see things in a different way. This is why residencies are so important – artists need to breathe, to pause, to reflect and observe. They need to be around each other.

Luftmeer started before we were aware of it; conversations that led to poetry, walks that led to photographs, an exhibition that sparked an idea. Images and words started to build by association. Time spent together became the work of art that took a life of its own. The journey became contemplative – I see what you did there, I take it home with me, the next day I am scribbling in my notebook. The darkroom is on my page. Those stories are in my dreams. At night the ghost of the fox you saw three weeks ago inhabits my mind.

Synchronicity weaves through the everyday. Luftmeer is produced this way.
Luftmeer has been produced in a limited edition (30) first run A4 art book.

For a copy contact one of the artists.
Anne Buscher | Miriam Calleja | Sanne Vaassen

Miriam Calleja

Author Miriam Calleja

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