Volha Hapeyeva is an award-winning Belarusian poet. Her works have been translated into more than 10 languages. She has had poems published in the USA, Austria, Germany, Poland, Russia, Georgia,…
No one will know you No one will know you As you are Or find your beating heart Except in glimpses Stolen in the night Smelling of whores and cheap…
Kif tirbaħ metru kilthom l-għeruqbiex irbaħt xi metru jew tnejn titla’ kemm titla’ tħossok minn taħtl-art, wiċċek qatt ma jsib il-għaxqa tax-xemxkollox sar dlam u trab u wara t-trab, sħana…
if you trace a finger around ityou find that it’s exactly like you heardthe shape of a fishthe smells of caves, the moongives off a different kind of lightyou don’t…
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